Another bouquet

A selection from the many flowers I’ve been seeing:

These are from a week or so back. The Pink cuckoo flower is in the mustard family, I think Cardamine pratensis. Dandelions are such a brilliant yellow.
This week I got out butterflying, and saw more Spring Azure than I wanted to count, Eastern Pine Elfin, and Eastern Comma, among others. All uncooperative for the photographer, but a wonder to see.

12 thoughts on “Another bouquet

  1. A bouquet indeed. We had a light frost this morning, but we’re accustomed to late freezes and late snows here in Colorado. When it warmed by late morning, talk about butterfly central – a lot of Painted Ladies and others.

  2. I am pretty sure the normal mode for most butterflies is “uncooperative.” 🙂 Unless you happen to find them early in the morning too cold to move. Looks like you are having some great blooms in your area – nice!

    • Thanks, Mark. Yes, butterflies tend to be uncooperative, Spring Azure are particularly flighty and only usually land for a second or two. But every once and a while, I run into a species or individual that will sit still, or even allow me to set up a tripod. 🙂

  3. Just now, if I were offered a choice between chiggers and snow, I’d take the snow in a minute. It’s not just flowers that are making their spring appearance around here!

    The red trillium is gorgeous, but I like the abstract view of the dandelion, too. I wondered if the cuckoo flower was related to the cuckoo bird, and it seems that it is: at least, in England. Several sites suggested it received its name because it appears about the time the cuckoo starts to sing, and I found this lovely bit of 15th/16th century verse from Kenneth Jackson’s Early Celtic Nature Poetry:

    “Tender cress and cuckoo-flower:
    And curly-haired, fair-headed maids,
    Sweet was the sound of their singing.”

    • My father told me stories of chiggers, but I’ve never encountered one. I’m on the watch for deer ticks and wood ticks, I attract hem like a magnet.
      I wondered about the cuckoo name – thanks for the story and the poem. Cuckoo flower is a kind of cress, a mustard flower.

  4. I saw what looked like a silver spotted skipper zoom by, but that was absurd this early in the year. Otherwise pretty much just a few cabbage whites. I envy you your rich pickings! 🙂

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